By Celia Hall

Meningitis can be counted among the most risky diseases that can easily kill. Its main cause is the inflammation of cells that form a cover to the brains as well as the spinal cord. There is always a tendency to confuse the signs and symptoms of meningitis with those of flu. In fact, the disease may be initiated by flu and this therefore will need some knowledge to be able to differentiate them. The disease can be caused by virus, bacteria or fungi.

The newly born babies and children are the ones who are at a higher risk of getting the disease. This is because they have an immune system which is not fully developed. Since they cannot express themselves, their parents should always be at watch. If they see spots and rushes on the skin, if the children have very cold hands and feet plus unusual crying, the child might have meningitis.

Other symptoms in children will include being unresponsive when handled or even resisting being handled. The child may have a stiff neck, a very fast breathing and when critical, the child may have seizures. There are quite a number of vaccines that are available for the children but not for all strains of this disease. Knowing all the signs is therefore vital for quick medical attention.

The saying that meningitis only affects the very young people is just a myth. Everybody is vulnerable, from the newly born to the very old. Many of the signs in adults are still the same in children. The only advantage is that adults can be able to say whenever they are feeling unwell. Fever, lack of appetite, vomiting, and rashes on the skin are observed. Severe headaches are common and a stiff neck, with a lot of pain when one tries to touch their chest using their chin.

The other symptoms in adults, which may now be different from those of children will include drowsiness. One feels very weak and has difficulties in waking up. The infected will also dislike bright lights, and might have confusion when carrying out their activities. These people are quick to anger, and will experience a lot of pain in their muscles. Convulsions are also very common.

Having the knowledge about the action to take is very important. If there are symptoms similar to the ones above, one should trust their instincts and take the necessary action. The patient should be taken to a medical center where samples of blood or the spinal fluid are taken and tested, in order to establish the type of. This will later be followed by treatment.

The causal type of the meningitis dictates the kind of treatment to be given to a patient. The fungal type is mainly known to affect people with low immunity like those with Aids. These are going to take anti-fungal drugs for a very long time together with drugs that can boost their immunity. Antibiotics can completely heal bacterial type of this infection, while for the viral; its treatment will include pain medications coupled with a lot of fluids and bed rest.

Since prevention is always better than cure, people all over the world should do their best to acquire information about the signs and symptoms of meningitis. Whenever these signs are observed, quick action should be taken in order to prevent loss of life. This is the best way to live a healthy and risk free life.

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