When it comes time to get skinny and fit into your bathing suit, practicing yoga is a fantastic method of losing weight. Besides eliminating stress, practicing the right poses gives your heart, as well as your muscles, a fabulous workout. Every day, men and women enjoy long-term weight loss results with no side effects whatsoever. Don't worry about joining an expensive gym to start practicing yoga, as routines can be independently developed in the comfort of your own home. You can get skinny, as well as strong and flexible with yoga poses.

To begin, you can perform the Single Leg Rotations Kundalini yoga exercise. All you have to do is lie flat on your back and hold up your left knee 45 degrees. Keep your toespointed away from your body. Perform 5 full clockwise rotations with your elevated foot, followed by 5 more counter-clockwise ones without taking a break. Repeat the exercise with your other leg at least three more times. The exercise strengthens and tones your abs. Before long, you may actually begin to feel a 6-pack forming underneath your beer-belly. Your hips get loosened up too. What should start out as a 60 second exercise can work up to a few minute routine. In fact, you can alter the number of rotations and the angle of your bent knee to change-up your workout.
Next, you can practice the Bound Half Moon Pose to burn a number of calories. Lunge down on one leg, and put your opposite forearm on the thigh pointing out. Wrap both arms around your belly, connecting your hands. Without moving your legs, slowly shift all of your weight forward. With all of your body weight on your front foot, lift your back foot off of the ground and push it outwards. Swap sides and do it again to exercise you mental focus and improve your circulation, key ingredients of any weight loss program.
Performing yoga's Locust Pose boosts your energy, while strengthening your leg and lower back muscles. It actually allows you stay mentally and physically prepared to lose weight. All you have to do is lie on your tummy and stretch your arms towards your feet. Make sure that you keep your palms facing up. Then lift every part of your body, besides your butt, up from the ground. Look forward and keep your arms and legs in motion by simply jogging. Perform this exercise for 45 or 60 seconds before you look to one side and drop your arms and legs. Rest for 10 seconds, and repeat the yoga procedure for weight loss at least three more times.

Finally, executing the Sarvangasana, or Shoulder Stand posture, can help you burn plenty of calories. Remain flat on your back with your legs together and your palms down on both sides. Put your weight on your hands, and raise both legs and waist without bending your knees. Your chin will be pushed towards your chest. Hold the position for 3 minutes at a time to get the most blood pumped throughout your body. The Sarvangasana takes plenty of concentration. The focus stemming from the right yoga poses can do wonders for all of your weight loss efforts.

Since reaching my 40s, my body has grown old and fat. I realized that I better get into better shape before I suffer a lethal heart attack. So I decided to ask my family doctor how to lose weight fast? He suggested powerful HCG Injections for quick and safe weight loss. He also recommended a few different exercises, including simple yoga poses to get slim down. That certainly sounds easy enough. Thanks Doc!
Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=William_D_Barkley
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