By Chuck Anderson

In recent months you can find a lot of news reports regarding a winter flu outbreak nationwide. The Center for Disease Control says that influenza has now officially reached epidemic levels. Obviously, being a parent, one of the first things that pops into my head is how do I prevent my kids from coming down with the flu? One of the most effective natural preventions for the flu is Vitamin D. An interesting clinical study from 2010 indicated that kids using a 1200 IU daily supplement of Vitamin D had essentially a fifty percent decrease in their risk for contracting the flu.

What exactly is Vitamin D, and why don't we hear about it all that much? Vitamin D is a steroid that has an impact on many genes in the body. It has been established that Vitamin D has a significant effect on over two hundred genes in the human body, and it has over two thousand sites that it binds with upon the human genome. A good number of these particular genes have been linked to a variety of illnesses, revealing that Vitamin D may play a role in the manifestation and occurrence of these illnesses. In the past, the only purpose Vitamin D was believed to have was prevention of the bone disease referred to as Ricketts, mainly because it aids in the absorption and metabolism of calcium. Because of this view, the RDA for Vitamin D was set at 400 IU daily. Remember that this is the lowest quantity required to prevent Ricketts. The truth is, our body might require far more than that to gain the full benefit.

How can we get Vitamin D? It's fairly difficult to get appropriate quantities of Vitamin D from food, because quite frankly it doesn't generally exist naturally in foods. The very best method to get Vitamin D is through sunlight. Our skin carries precursors which are triggered after being subjected to natural light. In fact, entire body exposure to the sun for only thirty minutes can make around 20,000 IU of Vitamin D. But what percentage of us go outside in the sunshine? Especially in the winter months it can be difficult to obtain ample quantities of Vitamin D. It is estimated that nearly 85% of North Americans may be deficient in this crucial vitamin.

So if vitamin D plays a role in our immune system, and we receive much less of it over the winter time, certainly it shouldn't come as a surprise that influenza and common colds tend to manifest with greater frequency in winter. But it doesn't just stop with those seasonal health problems. Research has progressively been amassing, showing that Vitamin D may be beneficial in several illnesses, such as heart disease, multiple sclerosis, inflammatory bowel disease, depression, cancer, schizophrenia, eczema, psoriasis, and more.

It is becoming more and more evident that by enhancing your vitamin D quantities, you will be a significantly healthier person. The issue then turns into, just what is an ideal amount of Vitamin D. There is quite a bit of controversy on that subject, however in my opinion, a good range is 50-70 ng/ml. This range was identified from individuals in tropical and subtropical places who consistently get a sufficient amount of exposure to sunlight. But for those of us who whether due to work, weather, or finances, can't receive enough sun exposure, using a Vitamin D supplement may be our best alternative. However, before commencing oral supplementation of Vitamin D, it is vital to have your blood ranges analyzed. Every person's body is unique, and may require varied amounts of Vitamin D to be able to build and maintain an optimal level. To make it even easier, home tests are now available for vitamin D that you may purchase on-line.

If you' have any concerns about getting sick this winter, think about getting your Vitamin D values examined. If you are like the majority of US residents, you will definitely find yourself to be deficient. Using a daily Vitamin D supplement may help you and your family stay healthy this winter.

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